Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Great News to share!!!

Hello my friends!!!

I got an email yesterday that made me scream and do the happy dance!!!
It was from Sam & Sandra from my favorite Purple Pumpkin!!!

Check out the announcement --> HERE
Thank you ladies so much for the honor!!!

If you follow my blog, I am sure you have realized my love and addiction to Purple Pumpkin! I use them every chance I get! I 1st saw them on the layouts of a few favorite scrappers of mine Melinda & Belinda! I fell in love! I was disappointed because they are based in Australia but when I asked them about the shipping cost, I was pleasantly surprised!!! They are so cheap!! Check out their store --->HERE 
They load their store every month on a specific date and time so keep an eye for that on their blog!
They also have monthly challenges with very inspiring sketches that give you the chance to win some yummy goodies!!!

Here are some old layouts where I've used PP products!


More good news!!

- My layout "Remember" was featured in Get Creative and was a favorite of Melenia's for the challenge at her blog! 
- My layout "Yiota" won as the best entry in "This one's a winner" in February.

- My layouts "Sun glasses" & "Share" were published in "Scrapstreet-Gingerscrap" on line magazine in February and my layouts "A perfect day is..." & "Dream Big" in April!!!

- And lastly, my layout "You & Me" was published in "SNR" on line magazine in March!

That's all for now!!
Thanks for visiting!!!
I appreciate all your sweet comments! They just make my day!!!


Melenia Agapides said...

Congratulations, Vicky!!!!!!!!!!
I first saw the PP embellishments in your pages and loved them at first sight!!! You are one of their best ambassadors!!!!

Maria said...

Μη γελάσεις... η πρώτη λέξη που μου ήρθε στο μυαλό διαβάζοντας όλες τις επιτυχίες σου ήταν "εχς 'ξεφυγ" χωρίς ερωτηματικό όμως και με την καλή έννοια χαχαχα γιατι απλά για μένα όλα οσα ανέφερες ανήκουν στη σφαίρα της φαντασίας μου :):):) Είναι υπέροχα τα νέα σου Βικάκι και χαίρομαι διπλά γιατι κ εσύ οπως κ άλλες κοπέλες μας κάνετε περιφανες και δείχνετε πως και η Ελλάδα έχει ποοολύ ταλέντο! Φιλιά και Καλή Ανάσταση!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wooooo hooooooooooo!!! CONGRATS on the DT (and all the recognition too!!)!!!! That's AWESOME!!! I loveeeeeeeeeee everything you made with PP products!! GORGEOUS!

Shell said...

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!! Huge Congrats!! U will totally rock that team!! Well done. Also congrats on all ur features & pubs. U r such a busy girl!

Κατερινα said...

μπραβο Βικη..το αξιζεις!!!!!!!συγχαρητηρια!!!

Μαιρη said...

Πολλα πολλα συγχαρητηριαααα!!!!! Μπράβο για όλα Βίκυ μου! Υπέροχα νέα!!!!

Georgia Heald said...

A big congrats Vicky, that is awesome! I am sure all your layout will be amazing. Purple pumpkin is the perfect match for your bright and funky style!

julie e said...

Congrats - your layouts are great!

Irini said...

fantastic news Vicky will do Purple pumpkin proud!!!...cant wait to see more of your beautiful creations!!!!

Vicky Varvadouka said...

Thank you ladies! And wow..I finally found a name for my style! Bright and funky! I am not good with styles..there are so many...pffff...

Unknown said...

your work i amazing...congrats on joining the PP team and all your publications

Samantha said...

Woohoo! Such awesome news! Can' t wait to see more of your creation with purple pumpkin goodies :) ( hugs)

Cathy said...

WOO HOO way to go Vicky.. so happy for you!! Your bright and beautiful creations are perfect for Purple Pumpkin!! Congrats on you publications too! Big hugs :))

Σοφία said...

great news ..!We are waiting for the new Lo's for purple punking.

Unknown said...

CONGRATS Vicky!!! No surprise though- you do amazing work with their stuff!! Can't wait to see even more of your creations!

Ella Swan said...

Woot Woot!! That's far too much good news for one post!!! Congrats on EVERYTHING. The pubs are great news & the DT is even better!!!!!! I got a GDT spot so looking forward to that - you beat me there heeeheee & I know why! You do brilliant things with their stuff & it really suits your style! I agree the postage is tiddlypoop on their stuff 'cos it's so small & light!

Linda Eggleton said...

Huge congrats on the PP DT spot, Vicky...such awesome news!
Love all your layouts - they are gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Congrats Vicky!!! Look at all your beautiful work, no wonder they want you in their team. Your work is just stunning!!

Nothing said...

Wow! Τόσα πολλά καλά νέα, αλλά δεν μου κάνει εντύπωση με τόσο φοβερές συνθέσεις που κάνεις!

Χρόνια πολλά, Χριστός Ανέστη!!!

Unknown said...

WOW how exciting!! CONGRATS Vicky!! You deserve to be on the team as your layouts and work are of such high standard! Enjoy! :))x

ChristinaD said...

Μπράβο Βίκυ!υπέροχα νέα!! Το αξίζεις, είσαι μεγάλο ταλέντο!!Χρόνια πολλά κιόλας!!

Chantal Vandenberg said...

A big congrats to you, Vicky!!! Sooooo cool! I'm so glad you are on the team! Your work is most definately bright and funky!!! A perfect match for Purple Pumpkin! :D