Thursday, May 24, 2012

Childhood Memories & small giveaway!

Hello everyone! 

I made this layout to showcase some Purple Pumpkin goodies!

Don't forget, there is a sale on the 25th HERE at 7pm (Brisbane time) which is 12pm EEST Greece time) and you better be quick because they sell out FAST!!!

My layout is based on Melenia's inspirational sketch for Get Creative and the colors are from White with one challenge. (they look a bit yellow but they are cream/vanilla)
I must also say that I was very much inspired by one of my favorite scrappers Belinda Spencer!

Here is the sketch:

This is ME aged around two years old.. I think...LOLOL

I am SOOO much in love with Purple Pumpkin buttons!!! I feel so lucky I am in their Design team!! Yeay!!!
Aren't they the cutest ever????

Materials used for "Childhood Memories"
Cardstock: American crafts
Doily, buttons: Purple Pumpkin
Chipboard title, frame, dress, butterfly (as a mask): Imaginarium designs
Flowers, pearls, resin corners: Prima
Glimmer mist: Tattered Angels
Template wood grain: The Crafter's Workshop
Tickets, film strip: Tim Holtz

I am so proud because it is finally here!!!
The feeling is just great..I couldn't believe it!
Now I am waiting for the rest to arrive but they take a while...

They have sent me two copies so I am giving one away!
Just leave a comment and become a follower!
I will pick a winner on Tuesday the 29th!

Thank you for visiting me!!!
Have a nice day!!!


Lizzy Hill said...

I LOVE those mag's...picked up 2 at an Op Shop & that's all I've ever had...I'm a follwer [yeah, I know you know but just in case....!!!] & thanks for the great chance to win one. And CLEVER YOU getting in it. WOWSY....mind you...just looking at this LO I can see why...LOVE the misting, the way you've used the embellies. Really the visit's been a while & she is a fab scrapper:):)

Elina said...

Όνειρο!!!!!!!! Δεν λέω τπτ άλλο...

geoleoan said...

wow!!!είναι φοβερή, τα χρώματα, τα στολιδια !!!

ChristinaD said...

Υπέροχη σύνθεση!!!Η μία καλύτερη από την άλλη!!Μπράβο Βίκυ μου. τα κουμπάκια τέλεια και η φωτογραφία σου!!

julie e said...

Gogeous layout!

cebelica said...

Wow is pretty much all I can say. And I usually don't get speachless often. lol Stunning LO. Hugs! xx

Sandra said...

I love those buttons so will go and have a look at Purple Pumpkin, I'm already a happy follower of yours.

Jasmine S said...

First of all, congrats on the mag. That is just wonderful and very deserved.
And your page, just beautiful. I love the lemon and you have so many beautiful pieces surrounding that fabulous photo.

Linda Eggleton said...

Congrats on being published in the mag...well done!
I love your take on this sketch ...the colours are just gorgeous & I love the masking & ink splatters. I have this sketch on my "to do list" also...just hoping I get time :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Congrats on the pub!! That is AWESOME!! I need to see that mag! I love everything vintage!! I love love love love your lo! WOW!! I loveeeeeeeeeee that photo, the yellow, the masking -- and LOVING LOVING LOVING that dress form!!! GORGEOUS!!!! said...

I love so much that I must to lift...I´ll let you know when I pulish...tks for all beauty and sharing

Aliki said...

απίιιιστευτη! φιλιά πολλά!

Edel said...

Amazing card!!!!!!

Σοφία said...

Η σύνθεσή σου είναι απίθανη , φαινεται ότι εισαι εσυ στην φωτο !
Το κίτρινο ώς τωρα το φοβόμουν αλλα το δούλεψες πολυ αρμονικά !Νομίζω ειναι από τις πιο ωραίες σου !!

jennyplace2 said...

OMG! Such a stunning layout, the details are beyond words, I truly hope this one that will be framed and hung on the wall. Beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win the book.

Unknown said...

This one is COMPLETELY awesome, Vicky- you totally kicked my butt on this sketch!! Love all the yellow- everything is amazing- I love the buttons too!! Fab work girl, keep it up!!!

Μαιρη said...

Βίκυ μου πολλα συγχαρητήρια!!!!
Κ η συνθεση σου υπεροχη!!! Μου αρέσει πολυ ο τρόπος που ερμηνευσες το σκετς!!!!

Valia Katzaki said...

Συγχαρητηια Βικυ! Και η νεα σου σύνθεση είναι υπέροχη!!!

Maria said...

Βικάκι η σύνθεσή σου είναι ονειρεμένη! Κι εσύ μια γλύκα!
Τα διακοσμητικά είναι πραγματικά υπέροχα και όλο το στήσιμο καταπληκτικό!
Συγχαρητήρια για τη δημοσίευση! Μας κάνεις τόσο περήφανες!!!

Adriana B said...

Vicki your layout is so gorgeous, beautiful embellishments love the colour theme, well done:)
Congratulations on your publication, that vintage book/magazine is so awesome, so thrilled for you. I love anything vintage. YOur page in the magazine is so vintage, love it :) have a great weekend :)

Shell said...

Hiya!!! Stunning page!Luv the yellow & white comobo! Awesome misting too! I would swear that the pic was of one of your girls! They look so much like u when u were little! Congrats on teh pub too!! & another congrats for your feature at The Color Room! HUGS!!!!

Moiraida said...

Paaara poly wraio layout!!!Bravo Vicky!

Nothing said...

Δημιούργησες πάλι!!!!! πωπωπωπωπω, τρομερή!!!!!! Και τι φατσούλα είναι αυτή; ;ο)

Paula said...

Your layout is simply your background & all the elements on it! Congrats on joining the team & congrats on your publication! :)

Tina said...

Stunning the image, gorgeous colours and layout too.
and congratulations on the publication of your work.

Kasia Krzymińska said...

Wow! Your creations are sooo beautiful! You are very very talented. Thank you foer visiting :)

EFI said...

Ααααα συγχαρητήρια για την δημοσίευση Βίκυ!!!!! Μπρααααβο!!!!! Είμαι τόσο περήφανη για σένα : ) Όσο για την σύνθεση, τι να πω εγω?! Απλά καταπληκτική!!!!!! Ευχαριστούμε πολύ που την μοιράστηκες μαζί μας στο Get Creative!!! Φιλάκια
Έχω χάσει επεισόδια, αλλά θα επανέλθω : )

Elena Stefanidou said...

Μπράβο,Βίκυ.Συγχαρητήρια για τη δημοσίευση.
'Οσο για το layout εκτός του ότι είναι πολύ γλυκό και χαριτωμένο(τι φωτογραφία!!!)είναι τόσο φροντισμένο και μοναδικό.Ευχομαι καλή επιτυχία.

Ελευθερία said...

τέλεια Βίκυ!!!! η σύνθεση μια γλύκα...να πω οτι σου μοιάζει η Νεφέλη???
αντε...περιμένω να μου φέρεις το περιοδικό το καλοκαίρι!!!!

Maria Tsil said...

Είναι τόσο όμορφη η σύνθεση σου!!Μα τόσο όμορφη!!!
Συγχαρητήρια και για την δημοσίευση!!

Lefki said...

Είναι πολύ γλυκιά και όμορφη η σύνθεσή σου. Την κοιτάζω και δεν την χορταίνω. πολύ καλή δουλειά για ακόμη μια φορά. Ευχαριστούμε για την έμπνευση. Συνέχεισε να το κάενις όπως μοναδικά ξέρεις. Συγχαρητήρια και για τη δημοσίευση. Πάντα τέτοια!!!

baileyrosy said...

Congratulations on being published Vicky. Love your stunning layout and yes the buttons are really cute. Perfect colours embellishments and design. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us at Get Creative and good luck.


Demi said...

Βίκυ συγχαρητήρια για την δημοσίευση !!!
Είναι τέλεια η συνθεσή σου ολα ειναι τόσο αρμονικά και πανεμορφα χρώματα,διακοσμητικά κουμπια!!!!μπράβο!!!καλή επιτυχία!!!!!!!!!!!

Channa said...

Such a gorgeous page vicky!! YOu were so cute ( still are!) and how cool is your publication!! Great work as always, channa

Melenia Agapides said...

1. Συγχαρητήρια για την δημοσίευση!!!!!!! Αυτό το αίσθημα όταν παίρνεις το περιοδικό στα χέρια σου, είναι μοναδικό!
2. Τι να πω για την ερμηνεία του σκετς - όχι απλά to the point, αλλά και με πολλά πολύτιμα διακοσμητικά, καθένα στην θέση που πρέπει. Σαν να βλέπω και περισσότερα empty spaces (την εφτιαξες στα γούστα μου, ε;;;), πολύ misting/masking!! Συγχαρητήρια!!!! said...

I liked so much your page and I made a lift, as I told you I would apriciate if you could have a look at:

Vicky Varvadouka said...

I am really flattered Paula and I am happy I inspired you!!!

Eila Sandberg said...

I absolutely ADORE your white/cream page Vicky, absolutely amazing!! and hey hey hey congrats indeed on the pub!! Mwah mwah!

Irini said...

WOW this layout is absolutely gorgeous i love the monochromatic theme you have done a fabulous job! and that pic of you is just too cute!!!!! your daughters take after you!!!!! LOL
Thanks so much for playing along with us at Get Creative!...