Friday, June 1, 2012

Scrap Party - June challenge Once Upon A Sketch!

The theme of this challenge is BIRTHDAYS

We would like you to create a layout and interpret the theme "BIRTHDAYS" however you like based on the following sketch. You can journal as little or as much as you like, but your layout must incorporate this theme and the sketch below. Please make sure that we see some sort of journalling on your layouts and please tell us where your journalling is . Hidden journalling is perfectly fine. 

Ideas for Journalling:most memorable birthday celebration for you or anyone in your family, the last birthday you celebrated and tell us your thoughts on turning this age, your child's/other family member's birthday and your thoughts on their age, a birthday that was a turning point in your life and your excitement/fears or other thoughts you had, an upcoming birthday for you or anyone and your thoughts, the best birthday present you ever received/gave and why?. You can also base your layout on a non - person birthday. This means your birthday theme can be based on : a pet, a business venture, a milestone anniversary etc etc. Its up to you how you interpret "BIRTHDAYS

Hello my friends!

I am a bit sad to make this post because it is my final one as a DT member for OUAS...
It was a great experience and I would like to thank Nadia for giving me this awesome opportunity to be a part of an amazingly talented group. I had LOTSSSS of fun and the girls were all so sweet and friendly! It was like a family! I made some good friends, I got a lot of inspiration and I feel more confident! I remember how anxious I was about my first reveal next to the "BIG" names...pffff. Thank you ladies for making me feel like at home!!!It's been a privilege working with you all!!!

In this layout is my Greek scrapping family! Another group of talented and sweet ladies who I LOOOOOVE so much!!! It is a surprise party for our friend Katerina Laiopoulou! We had a great time! Our laughter filled the whole floor of Metro Mall!!! LOLOL!!!

You know my latest addiction to Purple Pumpkin right??? How can one not be addicted?? Look at these fantastic handmade flowers, buttons, ticket and doilies!!!! They are GREAT!!!

I love tearing the papers apart lately...I don't think too much to make a layout like I used to...I just go with the flow...On this one I played with my mists and the templates from The Crafter's workshop which I love!

Materials used for "Scrap Party"
Cardstock: American Craft's
Paper: Scenic Route
Letter stickers: Echo Park
Handmade flowers, button, ticket, doilies: Purple Pumpkin
Black Pen: American Crafts

Thank you all for visiting!!!
I hope you will all play along in this challenge! Have you seen how many sponsors we have?
Check it out --->here
Have a nice scrapping, creative month!!!


Adriana B said...

Looks like you all had a great party with friends. great colours and love the sketch too :) have a great week :)

Karen Shady said...

Hi Vicky.... love your bright, fun LO.. as for the manor house creations DT call... do it, and just explain what you said to me about the product xx good luck

Lizzy Hill said...

This is soooo much fun....I love the 'free-ness' style you've got looks so vibrant and alive...just like the party, I'd say:):):)

Unknown said...

Amazing, of course!!! Your layouts always demand attention, that's for sure! Fab work here, girl- love the bits of denim in there!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wowwwwwwwwwwww!! This is AMAZING!! I loveeeeeee the dripping paint, the photo, the colors! Just GORGEOUS!!!!!!

παρασκευη..η αλλιως pizizi said...

Πολύ ωραίο σκετς..Η σύνθεση υπέροχη, με τόσα φωτεινά χαμόγελα!!!

Jasmine S said...

Love the fun and brightness of this Vicky. Great photo to scrap and I just love that misting at the top of the page. Fabulous work.

Her Essential Hand said...

Oh Vicky... look at that colour... that has me totally in love with that page :))) A favourite of mine for sure. Thanks for visiting my blog too. HAppy weekend sweet friend :) x

Eila Sandberg said...

This is so much fun Vicky! just love love love the buzzing happiness of your page! hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Mwah!

Nothing said...

Βικάκι, απίστευτη σύνθεση!!! Τόσο χαρούμενη, όσο είμασταν κι εμείς στο πάρτυ!

Maria Tsil said...

Φοβερή σύνθεση Βίκυ!!Μου αρέσουν πάρα πολύ τα χρώματα που χρησιμοποίησες!!Και η φωτογραφία φοβερή!!

Katerina said...

Εντάξει... έχω πάθει!!!!
Τι ναπω φιλενάδα μου για το ταλέντο σου!!!!!
Υπέροχα όλα!!!! Τόσο χαρούμενα, ξεχωριστά και όμορφα όσο το party που μου ετοιμάσατε!!!!

EFI said...

Την λάτρεψα από την πρώτη στιγμή που την είδα την σύνθεση σου Βίκυ!!!! Πράγματι, τόσο όμορφη όσο και το party!!!!!!

Denise van Deventer said...

This is wonderful Vicky...I love all the paintwork you did on the background! You have really inspired me to try and be a little more artsy.....Love your style and your work!